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Date: 18-8-2018
Date: 1-8-2019
Date: 15-5-2018
The Andrews-Gordon identity (Andrews 1974) is the analytic counterpart of Gordon's combinatorial generalization of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities (Gordon 1961). It has a number of important applications in mathematical physics (Fulman 1999).
The identity states
where , , is complex with , and (Andrews 1974; Andrews 1984, p. 111; Fulman 1999).
There are also a more general combinatorial theorems which include the Andrews-Gordon identity, Andrews's analytic generalization of the Göllnitz-Gordon identities, Gordon's partition theorem, and Schur's partition theorem as special cases. However, the statements of these theorems are quite complicated.
Andrews, G. E. "A Generalization of the Classical Partition Theorems." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 145, 205-221, 1969.
Andrews, G. E. On the General Rogers-Ramanujan Theorem. Providence, RI: Amer. Math. Soc., 1974.
Andrews, G. E. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 2: The Theory of Partitions. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Fulman, J. "The Rogers-Ramanujan Identities, The Finite General Linear Groups, and the Hall-Littlewood Polynomials." Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128, 17-25, 1999.
Gordon, B. "A Combinatorial Generalization of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities." Amer. J. Math. 83, 393-399, 1961.
Mc Laughlin, J.; Sills, A. V.; and Zimmer, P. "Dynamic Survey DS15: Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater Type Identities." Electronic J. Combinatorics, DS15, 1-59, May 31, 2008.
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