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Date: 2023-08-24
Date: 6-8-2022
Date: 2023-10-26
crossover (adj.)
A term used in GENERATIVE GRAMMAR, referring to a principle restricting the operation of certain TRANSFORMATIONS which move a NOUN PHRASE (as in PASSIVES, REFLEXIVES, TOUGH MOVEMENT). In an early formulation, the principle states that a transformation cannot apply to a PHRASE-MARKER if it would result in one noun phrase crossing another with which it is CO-REFERENTIAL. The crossover constraint or principle would be used, for example, to explain why passivization cannot apply to structures of the type John washed himself: given an UNDERLYING STRUCTURE Johni washed Johni , to derive a passive Johni was washed by Johni would involve a violation of this principle. In later formulations, more specific CONSTRAINTS on the application of this principle are introduced. In GOVERNMENT-BINDING THEORY, weak crossover refers to cases of crossover phenomena which involve the MOVEMENT of an R-EXPRESSION across a non-C-COMMANDING CO-INDEXED PRONOUN, as in *Whoi does hisi mother love ti ? Strong crossover refers to cases which involve this movement across a c-commanding co-indexed pronoun, as in [*Whosei mother]j does hei love tj ? The latter case is eliminated through condition C of binding theory. A LEFTNESS PRINCIPLE excludes all cases of weak crossover, and allows a unified account of these phenomena at the level of LOGICAL FORM.
علامات بسيطة في جسدك قد تنذر بمرض "قاتل"
أول صور ثلاثية الأبعاد للغدة الزعترية البشرية
مكتبة أمّ البنين النسويّة تصدر العدد 212 من مجلّة رياض الزهراء (عليها السلام)