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Date: 2023-06-27
Date: 2023-11-17
Date: 2023-12-05
creaky (adj.)
A term used in the PHONETIC classification of VOICE QUALITY, on the basis of ARTICULATORY and AUDITORY PHONETIC criteria. It refers to a vocal effect produced by a very slow vibration of only one end of the VOCAL FOLDS; also known as vocal fry. Some speakers do have an abnormally creaky voice quality, as a permanent feature of their speech. What is of particular significance for linguistic analysis is that creaky effects may be used with contrastive force, communicating a PARALINGUISTIC MEANING: in RECEIVED PRONUNCIATION, for example, it is often heard helping to express disparagement, when a phrase such as Oh I don’t know is pronounced at a very low PITCH level. Creaky voice, or simply creak, is also sometimes encountered as a phonological characteristic, as in Hausa, where there is an opposition between creaky and non-creaky PLOSIVES. Creaky sounds are also called ‘laryngealized’.
علامات بسيطة في جسدك قد تنذر بمرض "قاتل"
أول صور ثلاثية الأبعاد للغدة الزعترية البشرية
مكتبة أمّ البنين النسويّة تصدر العدد 212 من مجلّة رياض الزهراء (عليها السلام)