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Date: 17-3-2021
Date: 9-8-2016
Date: 26-8-2016
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Transmission Through a Delta Function Potential
A particle of mass m moves in one dimension where the only potential V(x) = Cδ(x) is at the origin with C > 0. A free particle of wave vector k approaches the origin from the left. Derive an expression for the amplitude T of the transmitted wave as a function of k, C, m, and h.
On the left the particle has an incident intensity, which we set equal to unity, and a reflected amplitude R. On the right the transmitted amplitude is denoted by T.
At the point x = 0, we match the value of ѱ(x) on both sides. We match the derivative according to an expression with C = C'. This yields two equations for T and R which can be solved for T:
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