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Date: 19-5-2022
Date: 20-5-2022
Date: 7-4-2022
A forest is a graph that contains no cycles, and a connected forest is a tree. For example, Fig. 1.1 shows a forest with four components, each of which is a tree
". Note that trees and forests are simple graphs.
Fig. 1.1
Another definition
A forest is an acyclic graph. The connected components of a forest are therefore trees, which explains the use (very natural!) of the terminology.
Forests generalize trees.
Proposition 1.1. In a forest G, we have m ≤ n − 1, with equality if and only if G is a tree.
Proof. Given C1, C2, ..., Cp the connected components of G, apply proposition( If G is a tree then m = n − 1.) to each of these components, denoting respectively ni and
mi the number of vertices and the number of edges of Ci. By adding all these equalities, for i =1, 2,...,p, we then have:
m = n − p
and since p ≥ 1(p is the number of connected components of G):
m ≤ n − 1
Equality occurs if and only if p = 1, that is if and only if G is connected. Since G is by hypothesis acyclic, this means if and only if G is a tree.
Graph Theory and Applications ,Jean-Claude Fournier, WILEY, page(47)
Introduction to Graph Theory ,Fourth edition, Robin J. Wilson, 1998
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