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علم الكيمياء : الكيمياء اللاعضوية : نظريات التآصر الكيميائي :

The valence bond (VB) model applied to F2, O2 and N2


المصدر:  Organic Chemistry

الجزء والصفحة:  p28



The valence bond (VB) model applied to F2, O2 and N2

Consider the formation of F2. The ground state electronic configuration of F is [He]2s2 2p5, and the presence of the single unpaired electron indicates the formation of an F_ F single bond. We can write down resonance structures 1.12 to describe the bonding in F2, with the expectation that the covalent contribution will predominate.

The formation of O2 involves the combination of two O atoms with ground state electronic configurations of 1s2 2s2 2p4. Each O atom has two unpaired electrons and so VB theory predicts the formation of an O=O double bond.

Since VB theory works on the premise that electrons are paired wherever possible, the model predicts that O2 is diamagnetic. One of the notable failures of VB theory is its inability to predict the observed paramagnetism of O2. As we shall see, molecular orbital theory is fully consistent with O2 being a diradical. When two N atoms ([He]2s2 2p3) combine to give N2, an N≡N triple bond results. Of the possible resonance structures, the predominant form is covalent and this gives a satisfactory picture of the bonding in N2. In a diamagnetic species, all electrons are spin-paired; a diamagnetic substance is repelled by a magnetic field. A paramagnetic species contains one or more unpaired electrons; a paramagnetic substance is attracted by a magnetic field.


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