المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية

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منذ 13 ساعة   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٦/٢١ م
Lactic acid is also important during fermentation. It acts as a natural preservative that protects the olives from harmful bacteria.

Currently, scientists are studying whether fermented olives have probiotic effects. This could lead to improved digestive health.

Fresh olives are very bitter and usually need to be cured and fermented before eating.
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منذ 1 يوم   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٦/٢٠ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: Not to have a thing is less humiliating than to beg for it.
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منذ 1 يوم   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٦/٢٠ م
Fermentation processes may also reduce cholesterol levels and increase beneficial bacteria in the final product.

However, there are some varieties that don’t need processing and can be consumed when fully ripe.

Processing olives may take anywhere from a few days up to a few months depending on the method used. Processing methods often rely on local traditions, which affect the fruit’s taste, color, and texture.
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منذ يومين   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٦/١٩ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: People in this world are like travelers whose journey is going on though they are asleep. (The journey of life is going on though men may not feel it).
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Processing of olives

The most common varieties of whole olives are:
Spanish green olives, pickled
Greek black olives, raw
California olives, ripened with oxidation, then pickled

Because olives are very bitter, they’re not usually eaten fresh. Instead, they’re cured and fermented. This process reduces bitter compounds like oleuropein, which are most abundant in unripe olives.
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منذ 3 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٦/١٨ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: If you are greeted then return the greetings more warmly. If you are favored, then repay the obligation manifold; but he who takes the initiative will always excel in merit.
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Olives are rich in many plant compounds, particularly antioxidants, including:

Oleanolic acid. This antioxidant may help prevent liver damage and reduce inflammation.

Quercetin. This nutrient may lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

Olives are particularly rich in antioxidants, including oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleanolic acid, and quercetin.
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منذ 5 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٦/١٦ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: The tongue is a beast, if it is let loose, it devours.
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منذ 5 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٦/١٦ م
Other plant compounds
Olives are rich in many plant compounds, particularly antioxidants, including:

Oleuropein. This is the most abundant antioxidant in fresh, unripe olives. It is linked to many health benefits.

Hydroxytyrosol. During olive ripening, oleuropein is broken down into hydroxytyrosol. It is also a powerful antioxidant.

Tyrosol. Most prevalent in olive oil, this antioxidant may have anti-cancer effects.
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منذ 6 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٦/١٥ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: Whoever warns you against sins and vices is like the one who gives you good tidings.
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  • شروط النشر
    • نلفت عناية المشاركين الأعزاء الى :
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المسيئة للأديان والرموز المقدسة .
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المتضمنة لألفاظٍ خادشةٍ للآداب والذوق العام .
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المُحرّضة على العنف وإذكاء النعرات .
    - قبل إرسالكَ المنشور ، تذكّر قوله تعالى : (مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ)

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