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SN1 Reaction: The Leaving Group
John McMurry
Organic Chemistry
الجزء والصفحة:
9th. p 329
SN1 The Leaving Group
We said during the discussion of SN2 reactivity that the best leaving groups are those that are most stable; that is, those that are the conjugate bases of strong acids. An identical reactivity order is found for the SN1 reaction because the leaving group is directly involved in the rate-limiting step. Thus, the SN1 reactivity order is
Note that in the SN1 reaction, which is often carried out under acidic conditions, neutral water is sometimes the leaving group. This occurs, for example, when an alkyl halide is prepared from a tertiary alcohol by reaction with HBr or HCl. As shown in Figure 11-13, the alcohol is first protonated and then spontaneously loses H2O to generate a carbocation, which reacts with halide ion to give the alkyl halide. Knowing that an SN1 reaction is involved in the conversion of alcohols to alkyl halides explains why the reaction works well only for tertiary alcohols. Tertiary alcohols react fastest because they give the most stable carbocation intermediates.
Figure 11-13: The mechanism of the SN1 reaction of a tertiary alcohol with HBr to yield an alkyl halide. Neutral water is the leaving group (step 2 ).