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Aromatic rings
University of Missouri System
Organic Chemistry ii
الجزء والصفحة:
A ring that does have a loop of π electrons is said to be aromatic. Thus, the rings in 2, 4, 5, and 7 are aromatic. A compound whose molecule contains one or more aromatic rings is called an aromatic compound. Thus, 2, 4, 5, and 7 are aromatic compounds. There are chemical and spectroscopic methods that can be used to experimentally determine whether a ring is aromatic or not. All aromatic rings share two structural features:
1. The ring is planar.
2. The ring obeys the Hückel’s rule, which states that the number of electrons in the loop of π
electrons is equal to 4n + 2, where n is zero or a positive whole number.
As is evident from the above examples, determining whether a ring obeys the Hückel’s rule or not using the Lewis diagram is straightforward. However, determining whether a ring is planar or not requires careful consideration of many factors. A case in point is [10]annulene (10).
If the ring in 10, which obeys the Hückel’s Rule, were planar, the hydrogen atoms on C-2 and C-7, which are inside the ring, would have to occupy the same space, which would be physically impossible. To accommodate the hydrogen atoms on C-2 and C-7 inside the ring, the ring is forced to deviate from planarity. Thus, 10 is not aromatic. If [10]annulene were to assume a configuration in which all double bonds were cis double bonds (11), the ring would be planar and, therefore, be aromatic.
Experimentally, however, [10]annulene exists exclusively as 10, indicating that the stability gained by having a loop of π electrons in 11 is outweighed by considerable angle strain