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Position isomerism
LibreTexts Project
الجزء والصفحة:
In position isomerism, the basic carbon skeleton remains unchanged, but important groups are moved around on that skeleton.
Example : Positional Isomers in C5H12
For example, there are two structural isomers with the molecular formula C3H7Br. In one of them the bromine atom is on the end of the chain, whereas in the other it's attached in the middle.
If you made a model, there is no way that you could twist one molecule to turn it into the other one. You would have to break the bromine off the end and re-attach it in the middle. At the same time, you would have to move a hydrogen from the middle to the end.
Another similar example occurs in alcohols such as C4H9OH
These are the only two possibilities provided you keep to a four carbon chain, but there is no reason why you should do that. You can easily have a mixture of chain isomerism and position isomerism - you aren't restricted to one or the other.
So two other isomers of butanol are:
You can also get position isomers on benzene rings. Consider the molecular formula C7H7Cl
. There are four different isomers you could make depending on the position of the chlorine atom. In one case it is attached to the side-group carbon atom, and then there are three other possible positions it could have around the ring - next to the CH3 group, next-but-one to the CH3 group, or opposite the CH3