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Date: 19-10-2018
Date: 1-2-2018
Date: 6-11-2018
Intermediate hydrides
Not all hydrides can be placed in the above categories, e.g. those of Pd, Cu, lanthanoids and actinoids. Palladium reversibly absorbs large amounts of H2 or D2 (but no other gases, a fact that is of great importance in the separation of H2 from gaseous mixtures). The absorbed hydrogen has a high mobility, but the form in which it is present has not been established, although the limiting composition is known to be ≈PdH0.7.
دور في الحماية من السرطان.. يجب تناول لبن الزبادي يوميا
العلماء الروس يطورون مسيرة لمراقبة حرائق الغابات
انطلاق الجلسة البحثية الرابعة لمؤتمر العميد العلمي العالمي السابع