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Date: 9-10-2016
Date: 9-10-2016
Date: 17-10-2016
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We again consider the linear system of ODE
where M ∈ Mn×n.
In this section we address the observability problem, modeled as follows. We suppose that we can observe
(O) y(t) := Nx(t) (t ≥ 0),
for a given matrix N ∈ Mm×n. Consequently, y(t) ∈ Rm. The interesting situation is when m << n and we interpret y(.) as low-dimensional “observations” or “measurements” of the high-dimensional dynamics x(.).
OBSERVABILITY QUESTION: Given the observations y(.), can we in principle reconstruct x(.)? In particular, do observations of y(.) provide enough information for us to deduce the initial value x0 for (ODE)?
DEFINITION. The pair (ODE),(O) is called observable if the knowledge of y(.) on any time interval [0, t] allows us to compute x0.
More precisely, (ODE),(O) is observable if for all solutions x1(.), x2(.), Nx1(.) ≡Nx2(.) on a time interval [0, t] implies x1(0) = x2(0).
TWO SIMPLE EXAMPLES. (i) If N ≡ 0, then clearly the system is not observable.
(ii) On the other hand, if m = n and N is invertible, then clearly x(t) = N−1y(t)
is observable.
The interesting cases lie between these extremes.
is observable if and only if the system
is controllable, meaning that C = Rn.
INTERPRETATION. This theorem asserts that somehow “observability and controllability are dual concepts” for linear systems.
Proof. 1. Suppose (1.11) is not observable. Then there exist points x1 ≠ x2 ∈Rn, such that
Let t = 0, to find Nx0 = 0. Then differentiate this expression k times in t and let t = 0, to discover as well that
NMkx0= 0
for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Hence (x0)T (Mk)TNT = 0, and hence (x0)T (MT )kNT = 0.
This implies
(x0) T [NT ,MTNT , . . . , (MT ) n−1NT ] = 0.
Since x0 = 0, rank[NT , . . . , (MT )n−1NT ] < n. Thus problem (1.12) is not controllable. Consequently, (1.12) controllable implies (1.11) is observable.
2. Assume now (1.12) not controllable. Then rank[NT , . . . , (MT )n−1NT ] < n, and consequently according to Theorem 2.3 there exists x0 = 0 such that
(x0) T [NT , . . . , (MT ) n−1NT ] = 0.
That is, NMkx0 = 0 for all k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1.
We want to show that y(t) = Nx(t) ≡ 0, where
According to the Cayley–Hamilton Theorem, we can write
for appropriate constants. Consequently NMnx0 = 0. Likewise,
and so NMn+1x0 = 0. Similarly, NMkx0 = 0 for all k.
and therefore
We have shown that if (1.12) is not controllable, then (1.11) is not observable.
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