One of the most dramatic and immediate impacts of genetic engineering was the production in bacteria of large amounts of proteins encoded by human genes. In 1982, insulin, expressed from human insulin genes on plasmids inserted into Escherichia coli, was the first genetically engineered therapeutic agent to be approved for clinical use in humans. Bacterially produced insulin, used widely in the treatment of diabetes, is indistinguishable in its structure and clinical effects from natural insulin. Human growth hormone (hGH), a protein made naturally by the pituitary gland ,was the second such product. Inadequate secretion of hGH in children results in dwarfism. Before the advent of recombinant DNA technology, hGH was prepared from pituitaries removed from human cadavers .The supply of such preparations was limited and the cost prohibitive. Furthermore, there were dangers in their administration that led to withdrawal from the market. Some patients treated with injections of pituitary hGH developed a disease caused by a contaminating slow virus, Jakob–Creutzfeldt syndrome, which leads to dementia and death. hGH can be produced in genetically engineered E. coli in large amounts, at relatively little cost, and free from such contaminants.
Human tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), a proteolytic enzyme (a “serine” protease) with an affinity for fibrin clots, is another therapeutic agent made available in large amounts as a consequence of recombinant DNA technology. At the surface of fibrin clots ,tPA cleaves a single peptide bond in plasminogen to form another serine protease, plasmin ,which then degrades the clots. This clot-degrading property of tPA makes it a life-saving drug in the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction(damage to heart muscle due to arterial blockage).
Recombinant human insulin and hGH offered impressive proof of the clinical efficacy and safety of human proteins made by engineered microorganisms. As exemplified by the list inTable1,the list of recombinant human gene products expressed in bacteria or fungi continues to grow rapidly.
Table1.Examples of human proteins cloned in E.coli: their biological functions and current or envisaged therapeutic use
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