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Date: 2025-02-05
Date: 2025-01-25
Date: 2025-01-25
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Hyperplastic polyp
• Common polyp which occurs mostly in the antrum or body.
• Non- neoplastic reactive lesion thought to represent an exaggerated regenerative response to mucosal injury.
• Often associated with an underlying gastric pathology such as Helicobacter or autoimmune gastritis.
• histology shows a polyp containing a dilated, elongated, tortuous foveolar epithelium in an oedematous, inflamed lamina propria.
Fundic gland polyp
• Common polyp which occurs only in the body or fundus.
• Most frequently seen in patients taking proton pump inhibitors. Can occur sporadically or in association with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).
• FAP- associated polyps are more likely to be multiple and occur at a younger age.
• Sporadic polyps are not normally associated with any underlying mucosal pathology.
• histology shows a polyp containing cystically dilated fundic glands lined by flattened parietal and chief cells.
Gastric adenoma
• Uncommon neoplastic polyp that can occur throughout the stomach.
• Microscopically composed of dysplastic glands with stratified hyperchromatic nuclei.
• two main types are described— an intestinal and a foveolar type.
• Intestinal types are far more likely to show high- grade dysplasia or harbour gastric carcinoma than the foveolar type.
Gastric xanthoma
• Uncommon polyp that occurs anywhere in the stomach.
• Appears as a pale- yellow nodule due to its lipid content.
• histology shows numerous lipid- laden macrophages in the lamina propria.
Inflammatory fibroid polyp
• rare lesion which occurs mostly in the antrum.
• histology shows a submucosal lesion composed of bland spindle cells arranged around prominent vessels, all set in a loose myxoid stroma containing conspicuous eosinophils.
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