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Date: 2024-03-07
Date: 2024-06-27
Date: 2023-10-17
In the Leewards (Antigua, St. Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat, Anguilla, Barbuda), unlike in Jamaican and other Western Caribbean varieties, /h/ is most often not dropped from the beginnings of most words. So-called “h-dropping” or word-initial “h-deletion” is common in Jamaica and in the Bahamas as well. H-dropping also occurs in other dialects of English; often British Cockney is cited as the source of h-dropping in English-derived Caribbean varieties. In dialects with this feature, which is generally not found in the Eastern Caribbean, pairs such as hair and air are homophonous (both are sometimes [ɪεr]).
دور في الحماية من السرطان.. يجب تناول لبن الزبادي يوميا
العلماء الروس يطورون مسيرة لمراقبة حرائق الغابات
انطلاق الجلسة البحثية الرابعة لمؤتمر العميد العلمي العالمي السابع