المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية

English Language
عدد المواضيع في هذا القسم 6142 موضوعاً
Reading Comprehension

Untitled Document
أبحث عن شيء أخر المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
ميعاد زراعة الجزر
أثر التأثير الاسترجاعي على المناخ The Effects of Feedback on Climate
عمليات الخدمة اللازمة للجزر
العوامل الجوية المناسبة لزراعة الجزر
الجزر Carrot (من الزراعة الى الحصاد)
المناخ في مناطق أخرى

جواز رد السلام حال الصلاة والخطبة
فقد الولد يصدع كبد الوالدين
أسعد بن مسعود بن علي بن محمد ابن الحسن العتبي
استراتيجيات التصنيع العالمية
الوحي الحضوري الشهودي
طاقة الرياح

Two slices  
794   06:53 مساءً   date: 22/10/2022
Author : L.A Hill
Book or Source : Elementary Steps To Understand
Page and Part : 4-1

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Date: 29/10/2022 564
Date: 30/9/2022 540
Date: 29/10/2022 676

Dave worked in a factory, and he always made sandwiches in the morning, took them to work and ate them at midday.

Then he married, so he thought, "Now my wife's going to make my sandwiches".

On the first day, she made him some, and when he got home in the evening, she said to him, 'Were the sandwiches all right?'

‘Oh, yes,' he answered, but you only gave me two slices of bread.'

The next day she gave him four slices, but he said again, 'Four slices aren't enough.

The third day she gave him eight slices, but those were not enough for him either, so on the fourth day she took a loaf of bread, cut it in half and put a big piece of meat in it.

In the evening she said to him, 'Was your lunch nice?" 'Oh, yes,' he answered. “But two slices of bread aren't enough.'


A     Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write Tor Fin the boxes.

  1. Dave worked in an office.
  2. Dave always ate sandwiches for lunch.
  3. Dave liked sandwiches.
  4. Four slices of bread were not enough for Dave.
  5. Dave's wife gave him only two slices of bread on the fourth day.
  6. Dave ate a lot of bread.


B     Answer these questions.

  1. Who made Dave's sandwiches before he married?
  2. Who made them after he married?
  3. What did his wife say on the first evening?
  4. What did Dave answer?
  5. What did Dave tell his wife on the second evening?
  6. What did she do on the fourth day?
  7. What did she ask him in the evening?
  8. What did Dave answer?


C    Write this story, but put one of these words in each empty place.

bread     butter     fingers     loaf     meat     sandwich     slice     slices

'I want to make some sandwiches.

'Well, go and buy a .........… of……..... Cut in into.......... Put some ……... on one side of each …….... Then cut some ………... up, and put some of it between each two………... of the……....!

“Do I put the sides with ………... on them inside or outside?'

‘Don't be stupid! Inside, of course, or your …….... will be covered with ………….. when you pick a……….. up.