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Date: 9-1-2018
Date: 14-10-2018
Date: 25-11-2018
Reduction by sodium: The titanium(IV) chloride is added to a reactor in which very pure sodium has been heated to about 550°C - everything being under an inert argon atmosphere. During the reaction, the temperature increases to about 1000°C.
After the reaction is complete, and everything has cooled (several days in total - an obvious inefficiency of the batch process), the mixture is crushed and washed with dilute hydrochloric acid to remove the sodium chloride.
دور في الحماية من السرطان.. يجب تناول لبن الزبادي يوميا
العلماء الروس يطورون مسيرة لمراقبة حرائق الغابات
انطلاق الجلسة البحثية الرابعة لمؤتمر العميد العلمي العالمي السابع