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Addition to unsymmetrical alkenes
University of Missouri System
Organic Chemistry ii
الجزء والصفحة:
An unsymmetrical alkene is one like propene where the groups at either end of the carbon-carbon double bond are different.The reaction happens under the same conditions as with a symmetrical alkene, but there is a complication because the hydrogen and the bromine can add in two different ways. Which way they add depends on whether there are organic peroxides (or oxygen) present or not.
Normally, when a molecule HX adds to a carbon-carbon double bond, the hydrogen becomes attached to the carbon with the more hydrogens on already. This is known as Markovnikov’s Rule.
Because the HBr adds on the “wrong way around ” in the presence of organic peroxides, this is often known as the peroxide effect or anti-Markovnikov addition.
In the absence of peroxides, hydrogen bromide adds to propene via an electrophilic addition mechanism. That gives the product predicted by Markovnikov’s Rule.
This is exactly the same as in the ethene case above.
When the bromine radical joins to the propene, it attaches so that a secondary radical is formed. This is more stable (and so easier to form) than the primary radical which would be formed if it attached to the other carbon atom.
That radical reacts with another HBr molecule to produce 1-bromopropane and another bromine radical to continue the process.
Eventually two free radicals hit each other and produce a molecule of some sort. The process stops here because no new free radicals are formed.