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Nuclear Fusion
LibreTexts Project
الجزء والصفحة:
Nuclear reactions, in which two or more lighter-mass nuclei join together to form a single nucleus, are called fusion reactions or nuclear fusions. Of particular interest are fusion reactions in which hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium. Hydrogen nuclei are positively charged and repel each other. The closer the particles come, the greater is the force of repulsion. In order for fusion reactions to occur, the hydrogen nuclei must have extremely high kinetic energies so the velocities can overcome the forces of repulsion. These kinetic energies only occur at extreme temperatures such as those that occur in the cores of the sun and other stars. Nuclear fusion is the power source for the stars where the necessary temperature to ignite the fusion reaction is provided by massive gravitational pressure. In stars more massive than our sun, fusion reactions involving carbon and nitrogen are possible. These reactions produce more energy than hydrogen fusion reactions.
Figure 1 : A Possible Design for a Nuclear Fusion Reactor.The extraordinarily high temperatures needed to initiate a nuclear fusion reaction would immediately destroy a container made of any known material. One way to avoid contact with the container walls is to use a high-energy plasma as the fuel. Because plasma is essentially a gas composed of ionized particles, it can be confined using a strong magnetic field shaped like a torus (a hollow donut)
Intensive research is now being conducted to develop fusion reactors for electricity generation. The two major problems slowing up the development is finding a practical means for generating the intense temperature needed and developing a container that won't melt under the conditions of a fusion reaction. Electricity-producing fusion reactors are still a distant dream.