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طرق الفصل والتنقية
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الفيتامينات والمرافقات الانزيمية
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كيمياء البوليمرات
مواضيع عامة في الكيمياء الصناعية
الكيمياء الاشعاعية والنووية
Mole to Mass Conversions
LibreTexts Project
الجزء والصفحة:
We have established that a balanced chemical equation is balanced in terms of moles as well as atoms or molecules. We have used balanced equations to set up ratios, now in terms of moles of materials, that we can use as conversion factors to answer stoichiometric questions, such as how many moles of substance A react with so many moles of reactant B. We can extend this technique even further. Recall that we can relate a molar amount to a mass amount using molar mass. We can use that ability to answer stoichiometry questions in terms of the masses of a particular substance, in addition to moles. We do this using the following sequence:
Collectively, these conversions are called mole-mass calculations.
As an example, consider the balanced chemical equation
If we have 3.59 mol of Fe2O3, how many grams of SO3 can react with it? Using the mole-mass calculation sequence, we can determine the required mass of SO3 in two steps. First, we construct the appropriate molar ratio, determined from the balanced chemical equation, to calculate the number of moles of SO3 needed. Then using the molar mass of SO3 as a conversion factor, we determine the mass that this number of moles of SO3 has. As usual, we start with the quantity we were given:
The mol Fe2O3 units cancel, leaving mol SO3 unit. Now, we take this answer and convert it to grams of SO3, using the molar mass of SO3 as the conversion factor:
Our final answer is expressed to three significant figures. Thus, in a two-step process, we find that 862 g of SO3 will react with 3.59 mol of Fe2O3. Many problems of this type can be answered in this manner.
The same two-step problem can also be worked out in a single line, rather than as two separate steps, as follows:
We get exactly the same answer when combining all the math steps together as we do when we calculate one step at a time.