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الكيمياء الاشعاعية والنووية
Sources of Radiation
LibreTexts Project
الجزء والصفحة:
There are two classes of radiation sources used in spectrometry: continuum sources and line sources. The former are usually lamps or heated solid materials that emit a wide range of wavelengths that must be narrowed greatly using a wavelength selection element to isolate the wavelength of interest. The latter sources include lasers and specialized lamps, that are designed to emit discrete wavelengths specific to the lamp’s material.
Electrode lamps are constructed of a sealed, gas-filled chamber that has one or more electrodes inside. Electrical current is passed through the electrode, which causes excitation of the gas. This excitation produces radiation at a wavelength or a range of wavelengths, specific to the gas. Examples include argon, xenon, hydrogen or deuterium, and tungsten lamps, which emit radiation in the following ranges.
There are also non-electrode lamps used as line sources that contain a gas and a piece of metal that will emit narrow radiation at the desired wavelength. Ionization of the gas occurs from radiation (usually in the radio or microwave frequencies). The metal atoms are then excited by a transfer of energy from the gas, thereby producing radiation at a very specific wavelength.
Laser (an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) sources work by externally activating a lasing material so that photons of a specific energy are produced and aimed at the material. This triggers photon production within the material, with more and more photons being produced as they reflect inside the material. Because all the photons are of equal energy they are all in phase with each other so that energy (and wavelength) is isolated and enhanced. The photons are eventually focused into a narrow beam and then directed at the sample.