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علم الكيمياء : الكيمياء التحليلية : التحليل الآلي (الطيفي) :

Laser in Material Processing

المؤلف:  LibreTexts Project

المصدر:  ................

الجزء والصفحة:  .................



Laser in Material Processing

The beam of a laser is usually a few millimeters in diagram. For most material processing applications, lenses are used to increase the intensity of the beam. The beam from a laser is either plane or spherical. After passing through a lens, the beam should get focused to a point. But in actual practice, diffraction effects have to be taken into consideration, the incoming will focus into a region of radius. If λ is the wavelength of the laser light, a is the radius of the beam, and f is the focal length of the lens, then the radius of the region is

If P represents the power of the laser beam, the intensity I, obtained at the focused region would be given by,

The high-power (P>100w) laser are widely used in material processing such as welding, drilling, cutting, surface treatment, and alloying. The main advantage of the laser beam can be summarized as follow: (1) The heating produced by the laser is less than that in conventional process. Material distortion is considerably reduced. (2) Possibility of working in inaccessible region. Any region which can be seen can be processed by a laser. (3) The process can be better controlled and easily automatized. However, against all these advantages, the disadvantages are: (1) high cost of the laser system. (2) Reliability and reproducibility problems of the laser system. (3) Safety problems.



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