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علم الكيمياء : الكيمياء التحليلية : التحليل الآلي (الطيفي) :

HPLC : Technique

المؤلف:  LibreTexts Project

المصدر:  ................

الجزء والصفحة:  .................



HPLC : Technique

Normal Phase vs. Reverse Phase

If the stationary phase is more polar than the mobile phase, the separation is deemed normal phase. If the stationary phase is less polar than the mobile phase, the separation is reverse phase. In reverse phase HPLC the retention time of a compound increases with decreasing polarity of the particular species. The key to an effective and efficient separation is to determine the appropriate ratio between polar and non-polar components in the mobile phase. The goal is for all the compounds to elute in as short a time as possible, while still allowing for the resolution of individual peaks. Typical columns for normal phase separation are packed with alumina or silica. Alkyl, aliphatic or phenyl bonded phases are typically used for reverse phase separation.

Gradient Elution vs. Isocratic Elution

If the composition of the mobile phase remains constant throughout the HPLC separation, the separation is deemed an isocratic elution. Often the only way to elute all of the compounds in the sample in a reasonable amount of time, while still maintaining peak resolution, is to change the ratio of polar to non-polar compounds in the mobile phase during the sample run. Known as gradient chromatography, this is the technique of choice when a sample contains components of a wide range of polarities. For a reverse phase gradient, the solvent starts out relatively polar and slowly becomes more non-polar. The gradient elution offers the most complete separation of the peaks, without taking an inordinate amount of time. A sample containing compounds of a wide range of polarities can be separated by a gradient elution in a shorter time period without a loss of resolution in the earlier peaks or excessive broadening of later peaks. However, gradient elution requires more complex and expensive equipment and it is more difficult to maintain a constant flow rate while there are constant changes in mobile phase composition. Gradient elution, especially at high speeds, brings out the limitations of lower quality experimental apparatus, making the results obtained less reproducible in equipment already prone to variation. If the flow rate or mobile phase composition fluctuates, the results will not be reproducible.


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