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علم الكيمياء : الكيمياء التحليلية : التحليل الآلي (الطيفي) :

Distribution Constant

المؤلف:  LibreTexts Project

المصدر:  ................

الجزء والصفحة:  .................



Distribution Constant

All chemical reactions have a characteristic equilibrium constant. For the reaction


There is a chemical equilibrium constant Keq that dictates what percentage of compound A will be in solution and what percentage will be bound to the stationary compound B. During a chromatographic separation, there is similar relationship between compound A and the solvent, or mobile phase, C. This will yield an overall equilibrium equation which dictates the quantity of A that will be associated with the stationary phase and the quantity of A that will be associated with the mobile phase


The equilibrium between the mobile phase and stationary phase is given by the constant Kc.

Where Kc, the distribution constant, is the ratio of the activity of compound A in the stationary phase and activity of compound A in the mobile phase. In most separations, which contain low concentrations of the species to be separated, the activity of A in each is approximately equal to the concentration of A in that state. The distribution constant indicates the amount of time that compound A spends adsorbed to the stationary phase as the opposed to the amount of time A spends solvated by the mobile phase. This relationship determines the amount of time it will take for compound A to travel the length of the column. The more time A spends adsorbed to the stationary phase, the more time compound A will take to travel the length of the column. The amount of time between the injection of a sample and its elution from the column is known as the retention time; it is given the symbol tR.


The amount of time required for a sample that does not interact with the stationary phase, or has a Kc equal to zero, to travel the length of the column is known as the void time, tM. No compound can be eluted in less than the void time.

Retention Factor

Since Kc is a factor that is wholly dependent on a particular column and solvent flow rate, a quantitative measure of the affinity of a compound for a particular set of mobile and stationary phases that does not depend on the column geometry is useful. The retention factor, k, can be derived from Kc and is independent of the column size and the solvent flow rate.


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