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Electron-capture Detectors
LibreTexts Project
الجزء والصفحة:
Electron-capture detectors (ECD) are highly selective detectors commonly used for detecting environmental samples as the device selectively detects organic compounds with moieties such as halogens, peroxides, quinones and nitro groups and gives little to no response for all other compounds. Therefore, this method is best suited in applications where traces quantities of chemicals such as pesticides are to be detected and other chromatographic methods are unfeasible.
The simplest form of ECD involves gaseous electrons from a radioactive ? emitter in an electric field. As the analyte leaves the GC column, it is passed over this ? emitter, which typically consists of nickle-63 or tritium. The electrons from the ? emitter ionize the nitrogen carrier gas and cause it to release a burst of electrons. In the absence of organic compounds, a constant standing current is maintained between two electrodes. With the addition of organic compounds with electronegative functional groups, the current decreases significantly as the functional groups capture the electrons.
The advantages of ECDs are the high selectivity and sensitivity towards certain organic species with electronegative functional groups. However, the detector has a limited signal range and is potentially dangerous owing to its radioactivity. In addition, the signal-to-noise ratio is limited by radioactive decay and the presence of O2 within the detector.
Figure 1. Schematic of an electron-capture detector.