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Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Benzene
LibreTexts Project
الجزء والصفحة:
Friedel-Crafts Alkylation was first discovered by French scientist Charles Friedel and his partner, American scientist James Crafts, in 1877. This reaction allowed for the formation of alkyl benzenes from alkyl halides, but was plagued with unwanted supplemental activity that reduced its efficiency.
The mechanism takes place as follows:
Step one:
The first step creates a cabocation that acts as the electrophile in the reaction. This step activates the haloalkane. Secondary and teriary halides only form the free cabocation in the step.
Step two
The second step has an electrophilic attack on the benzene that results in multiple resonance forms. The halogen reactions with the intermediate and picks up the hydrogen to eliminate the positive charge.
The final step shown above is the results of the end of step and shows the final products.
The reactivity of haloalkanes increases as you move up the periodic table and increase polarity. This means that an RF haloalkane is most reactive followed by RCl then RBr and finally RI. This means that the Lewis acids used as catalysts in Friedel-Crafts Alkylation reactions tend have similar halogen combinations such as BF3, SbCl5, AlCl3, SbCl5, and AlBr3, all of which are commonly used in these reactions.